
I was first exposed to Gabrielle’s work through an internet article.
I purchased her eBook, The Gymnastic Rider, and was captivated by it. For the
first time ever I felt that I was understanding the correct way to ride a horse. I loved the philosophy and clear presentation.
Gabrielle has a deep understanding of the gymnastic principals of riding coupled with a fantastic ability to connect energetically with horses and people. I devoured the book and experimented with my own horses and was totally impressed by their responses. However I could only go so far on my own. 
I contacted Gabrielle and arranged to visit her and her horses in France. I had a deeply satisfying experience. 
Through her patient and gentle coaching I was able to release some of my own blocks and really begin to feel the horses under me. I had such a good time that I returned about 8 months later for another visit which was just as helpful. Of course this is a life long journey and one un-peels layers as one goes. 

I truly believe that Gabrielle has the depth of understanding to further anyone’s journey.

G. Gunther

Montana, USA

Training with Gabrielle Dareau at HHT marked a new start to my riding, despite having been a rider for more than 30 years, and an international competitor.

She taught me the skills, and gave me an understanding of horse-rider biomechanics, that naturally very talented riders apply intuitively, but are rarely able to explain to others.
For years I rode not knowing why horses became tense and uncomfortable with me on their backs; following one week of training with Gabrielle, even dejected lesson horses seem to awaken under my seat and move forward with enthusiasm. Suddenly ‘on-the-bit’ became spontaneous.
As if that weren’t enough, Gabrielle opened my eyes to truly seeing horses for who they are (incredibly generous and loyal creatures) and to the necessity of recognizing and attending to their natural needs as part of their training and my development as an equestrian.
On behalf of all horses with whom I will ever come in contact, I am grateful for Gabrielle’s teaching.

D. Raciborska

Vienna, Austria

Amazing first session!

I just had my Balance Analysis session and reviewed my report. Really, I am amazed! The level of insight into the video I sent is fantastic.

So many points were brought up that had never even been mentioned before in all my years of riding. I love how it’s not only about the riding, but about the whole picture, the whole relationship between horse and rider.

Where I was losing enthusiasm about riding, I can feel a positive momentum returning through this coaching program. I am looking forward to my next session! A. Smith

New Jersey

I have been riding since I was three and been a horse owner for much of my life.
I have always had the feeling that ‘I’m not quite getting it’. Despite some really good instruction over the years, I’ve never had the confidence to believe that I know what to do to learn for myself.
Gabrielle’s approach to teaching is different to anything that I’d come across before. The main difference, as I see it, is that she has helped me to think of me and the horse as one system.
She introduced me to some basic postural and aiding principles which I can continually work towards. However, she has also helped me to understand how to be guided by ‘feel’ rather than appearance.
As a result, my belief in myself as a rider has grown, and I now feel much more confident to try and tiptoe forward without second guessing my approach.

D. Sim

Edinburgh, Scotland

Being a new rider, I knew that I could not continue bouncing on the
back of these amazing horses I was learning to ride.

I am so lucky to have found Gabrielle Dareau, an exceptional teacher,
whose horses are relaxed and happy with life.

When you feel the deep engagement between horse and rider, that Gabrielle
teaches in The Gymnastic Rider, it is so obviously right. There is a
connection between horse and rider that is not forced in any way, to
the extent that you feel part of the horse. It’s an amazing feeling.
This feeling changed me in that I now understand how important it is
to really listen, to your horse, to forge a truly wonderful
partnership. J. Rennie

United Kingdom

I discovered Gabrielle’s materials on riding two years ago when I found myself in a deadlock with my mare.
Having been trained by sports trainers, one day I realized that there was something missing, that everything we had done was not actually right, and my mare proved it by her vivid negative reactions and her refusal to go on like this.
In search of solutions, I came upon Gabrielle and her book “The Gymnastic Rider”, which filled in the gaps and answered my questions.
Gabrielle showed me a different way in horsemanship, and helped me to re-build my relationship with my horse. I am very grateful to her (and I think my mare is too) for being there, for being open to questions and for sharing her knowledge and experience.

K. Davydova

Moscow, Russia

The riding instruction is outstanding, if instructors in the UK taught this way there would be a lot of happy riders and horses. Everything has been lovely, it’s a very special place, which I fully intend to return to. S. Walters

Staffordshire, England

The riding tuition exceeded my hopes and expectations by a long way; giving me an exciting new facet to horsemanship which is lighter. more subtle, more elegant and more meaningful. It is as if a new door has opened bringing more sunlight and air. Margaret Hannah

Devon, England

One of life’s truly happy moments, Gaby’s professional and caring manner, her ability to teach me to ride by developing a way of using mind and body together was awesome, she gave me a wealth of information which I will continue to put into practice. L. MacLeod

Midlothian, Scotland

My goodness – what a change has taken place in my riding. I think that I’m starting to sit ‘into’ the horse rather than on top of him. I felt my horse’s movements in a way that has almost never happened before.
The most amazing thing was his canter, my horse and I have always had canter issues… he has so much motion that, like sitting trot, his canter has been difficult for me to ride smoothly. But I seem to have gotten so balanced that each time I asked, he slid right into the loveliest, smoothest canter you can imagine, and I was with his motion the entire time. The same with sitting trot.
I could feel his gratitude – he seemed to be saying ‘thank goodness you finally got it!’ Many, many thanks for your help.”

Prof. T. Lloyd

Tennessee, USA

It’s a great gift you have – your way with the horses. Thank you for sharing this. Gabrielle, thank you for your patience teaching me. Each lesson has been amazing. This week has been wonderfully profound for me – beautiful. Heidi Clare Lambert

California, USA

I had my first riding lesson after training with you yesterday, and I noticed an immediate change in the horse I usually ride. He was working forward in a lovely way and the riding instructor even complimented me on my seat in downward transitions!  
I loved your sensitive approach to the needs of both horses and riders. I think that you are addressing so much more than just riding and I returned feeling blissed out! 

C. Samiei
