BecomeOne Balance Analysis
Discover your Unique Riding Challenge
The BecomeOne Balance Analysis is a holistic diagnosis of your riding, addressing the connection between you and your horse on three fundamental levels that form the powerful pyramid of mind, body and spirit:
- BODY: your postural interaction in the saddle, including longitudinal balance and lateral alignment.
- MIND: the ‘inner-action’ between you and your horse: including your mutual relationship status and how both you and your horse feel about your riding work.
- SPIRIT: your highest goals and aspirations, and the hidden limitations that may be holding you back from achieving what you dream of for you and your horse.

The particular configuration of this pyramid for you, in terms of your strengths and weaknesses in each area, makes up your Unique Riding Challenge (URC): the set of specific skills that you need to work on to profoundly shift your riding experience towards true unity with your horse.
The secret of the URC is that it breaks down the whole picture of your riding into its different essential pieces. These pieces are all as important as each other, but they are difficult to comprehend, let alone address, all at once.
This kind of holistic diagnosis is a powerful and highly motivating force for change. Having a clear idea of the exact nature of the individual challenges you are facing with your horse, and that are standing in the way of reaching your goals, is greatly empowering. It is an essential first step towards making the breakthrough to true unity in riding.
How Does It Work?
The BecomeOne Balance Analysis is a 3-step process:
1. I look
Once you’ve completed your booking you’ll receive instructions for sending me a video of your riding session so that I can analyse the balance dynamic between you and your horse before speaking with you.
2. I listen
We have a Breakthrough to Balance coaching session together over the phone, to get clear on where you are now with your horse, what your goals are, and what could be holding you back from them.
3. You learn!
I send you a written report of your anlaysis with a summary of your Unique Riding Challenge.
This new insight into the dynamic between you and your horse will open up many exciting new possibilities for how to move forwards towards your goals.

Who Is It For?
- Any rider who is interested in improving their horse’s balance, training, or quality of movement, using gymnastic principles as opposed to force or behavioral conditioning techniques.
- Anyone who wants more clarity about what’s going on between them and their horse on any level: in their riding connection, within the relationship, or with training progress and goals. If you have a problem or sticking point that you want to identify and find a real solution for, the Balance Analysis will give you clear answers.
- Riders who are new to coaching and would like to find out more and try it out before commiting to a full coaching package.
- If you feel like you are lacking a direction in what you’re doing with your horse, or you don’t have a goal that you really believe in, then the Balance Analysis can offer you a real turning point and give a whole new meaning to your horsemanship.
- It doesn’t matter whether your are an advanced level rider, a beginner, or anywhere in between. There is always room for a fresh perspective.
Amazing first session!
I just had my Balance Analysis session and reviewed my report. Really, I am amazed! The level of insight into the video I sent is fantastic.
So many points were brought up that had never even been mentioned before in all my years of riding. I love how it’s not only about the riding, but about the whole picture, the whole relationship between horse and rider. Where I was losing enthusiasm about riding, I can feel a positive momentum returning through this coaching program. I am looking forward to my next session!
Amanda SmithHow to book your Balance Analysis
When you click on the button below you will be taken to my booking site where you make secure payment and choose a date and time for our Breakthrough to Balance session.
IMPORTANT: It’s best if you can send me your video at least two days before the date you choose for your session, so that I have time to look at it before our phone session. In addition to this, make sure to give yourself enough time to get a recording made (if you don’t have a recent/suitable video already) and to get it sent to me – instructions for this are provided after booking.
The video you provide of your work with your horse doesn’t have to be anything special, as long as it is clear enough, relatively stable, and not taken too far away for me to see what’s going on. You can ask a friend or a family member to film you riding (or working with your horse on the ground if that’s the stage you’re at) with a smartphone – most take good quality video, or with a digital camera on video mode.
If you have any questions before booking, don’t hesitate to contact me.