BecomeOne Rider Coaching
Breakthrough To Balanced Riding

Hi, I’m Gabrielle Dareau
I help people who are passionate about riding to overcome the challenges and frustrations of connecting with their horse in balance.
I provide the high-level personalized support that allows people to become truly effective, skilled and confident riders.
Empowering riders to experience the joy of moving in harmonious unity with their horse is my passion!
Coaching: A Whole New Level of Support for Riders
Aquire the holistic skills that empower your riding and transform your horse.
The BecomeOne Method
Discover the joy of moving together in true balance through sound horse and rider biomechanics.
Transformational Coaching Packages
Full details of the rich combination of tools in BecomeOne packages, plus some amazing bonuses!
Get Your Balance Analysis!
Send me your video and get my personalised evaluation plus a Breakthrought to Balance strategy session.
Coaching For Riders in a Nutshell: How It Works
Three times a month, you record a video of your work with your horse and share it with me. Depending on which package you choose, I follow that up each time with either a phone session where we talk together, booked at your convenience, and/or a written report with analysis and advice on what to work on. This report includes tools and resources to help you put my advice into practice in your riding.
You get a powerful combination of expert advice and motivational personal support, with the space to be really listened to and have all your questions answered. We work on different aspects of your horsemanship in a dynamic way that is customized to your individual needs.
BecomeOne Rider Coaching gives you the opportunity to break through to a whole level of connection with your horse that many riders are looking for but few ever accomplish.
Want to try coaching with no commitment?
Book a Balance Analysis mini-package and get an in-depth holistic assessment of you and your horse in a written report, plus a session to connect with me in person and find a whole new level of clarity in your horsemanship.
Amazing first session!
I just had my Balance Analysis session and reviewed my report. Really, I am amazed! The level of insight into the video I sent is fantastic.
So many points were brought up that had never even been mentioned before in all my years of riding. I love how it’s not only about the riding, but about the whole picture, the whole relationship between horse and rider. Where I was losing enthusiasm about riding, I can feel a positive momentum returning through this coaching program. I am looking forward to my next session!
Amanda SmithBecomeOne
Connection without Force
Power Without Constraint
Dynamic Balance in Motion
Gabrielle has a deep understanding of the gymnastic principals of riding coupled with a fantastic ability to connect energetically with horses and people.
Through her patient and gentle coaching I was able to release some of my own blocks and really begin to feel the horses under me.
I truly believe that Gabrielle has the depth of understanding to further anyone’s journey.
I have been riding since I was three and been a horse owner for much of my life. I have always had the feeling that ‘I’m not quite getting it’…
Gabrielle’s approach to teaching is different to anything that I’d come across before. The main difference, as I see it, is that she has helped me to think of me and the horse as one system. […]
As a result, my belief in myself as a rider has grown, and I now feel much more confident to move forward without second guessing my approach.
D. SimTraining with Gabrielle Dareau marked a new start to my riding, despite having been a rider for more than 30 years, and an international competitor.
She taught me the skills, and gave me an understanding of horse-rider biomechanics, that naturally very talented riders apply intuitively, but are rarely able to explain to others. […] Following one week of training with Gabrielle, even dejected lesson horses seem to awaken under my seat and move forward with enthusiasm. Suddenly ‘on-the-bit’ became spontaneous.
As if that weren’t enough, Gabrielle opened my eyes to truly seeing horses for who they are.
I discovered Gabrielle’s materials on riding 2 years ago when I found myself in the deadlock with my mare. Having been trained by sports trainers, one day I realized that there was something missing, that everything we had done was not actually right, and my mare proved it by her vivid negative reactions and her refusal to go on like this.
Gabrielle showed me a different way in horsemanship, and helped me to re-build my relationship with my horse.